Exhibition view of “Jihyun Jung: Hangdog” at Space 2, Art Sonje Center, Seoul.

The solo exhibition by artist Jihyun Jung(b. 1986), titled Hangdog, will be held at Art Sonje Center Space2 until January 21 of next year. The artist employs the word “Hangdog” more for its structure than its literal meaning in titling the solo exhibition. The word is a combination of “hang” and “dog.” Although these are two separate words, when combined, they take on a different meaning than their original individual definitions. In this way, the exhibition reveals how everyday objects deviate from their original functions when encountered by the artist’s creativity.

Jihyun Jung explores the function and movement of sculpture by creating sculptures from discarded industrial materials produced by the city. In particular, the artist imagines what new objects can emerge when various byproducts generated within the city deviate from their original functions. For instance, Doubledecker (2018, remade in 2022) was originally a 7m discarded billboard for promotional purposes. The artist dismantled and transformed it into a sculpture with added lighting functionality.

A noteworthy aspect of this exhibition is the artist’s utilization of the previously used exhibition structures at Art Sonje Center, which were slated for disposal. The exhibition shows how the artist transforms urban objects that originally existed in the real world but are incomplete and fragmented to create new landscapes.